Friday 17 January 2020

A Strong Sense Of Place

Poul Anderson's The Day Of Their Return, set entirely on the surface of the extrasolar planet, Aeneas, is a sequel to The Rebel Worlds which briefly introduces that planet. In the opening chapter of The Rebel Worlds, an Aenean imprisoned in orbit around a planet in another system remembers:

"The towers of Windhome, tall and gray, their banners awake in a whistling sky; tumble of crags and cliffs, reds, ochres, bronzes, where the Ilian Shelf plunged to a blue-gray dimness sparked and veined with watergleams that was the Antonine Seabed; clangor of the Wildfoss as it hurled itself thitherward in cataracts..."
-The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER ONE, p. 374.

We think that this sounds a solid setting suitable for a whole novel...

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, Anderson was VERY good at making us FEEL we are in the places he describes. And I believe Stirling can do that as well.

Ad astra! Sean