Saturday 18 January 2020

Titans Attack Olympus

Either Flandry or the omniscient narrator reflects that Admiralty Center rises from the Rocky mountains:

" if again the Titans of dawn myth were piling Pelion on Ossa to scale Olympus."
-Chapter Two, p. 379.
-copied from here.

Flandry comments that:

"And one of these days...the gods are going to get as irritated as they did last time..."
-The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER TWO, p. 379.

We instantly understand and maybe agree with Flandry even though neither he nor we believe in gods. Myths address current concerns. Another appropriate myth is the Tower of Babel.

See Titanomachy.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

David Birr suggested the old US military base and command post of Cheyenne Mountain, near the city of Colorado Springs, might have been the core of the Admiralty Center we see in Imperial times. Cheyenne Mountain was built into the Rockies, and might have been taken over by the Navy of the Solar Commonwealth, and later the Imperial Navy after the Empire arose. Both would have expanded the old American base, altho vastly more so by the Empire. And I can see Colorado Springs becoming directly part of Admiralty Center.

Ad astra! Sean