Thursday 23 January 2020

Filming The Didonian Rain Forest

The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER EIGHT.

I suppose that the visuals could be done with CGI:

not like a Terrestrial rain forest;
unbelievably variant trees;
gnarly, thorny dwarfs;
soaring slim giants;
vines and fungoids covering trunks;
diversely shaped foliage;
no green;
dominant browns and deep reds;
some purples and golds;
a spongy, springy mat underfoot;
"somber richness" (p. 443);
no shadows;
much brush;
ankle-deep muck;
small animals flitting among leaves.

Sounds loud in the dense air:


Non-cinematic senses:

pungent odors - fragrant, sharp, rotten, spicy, ozone or unrecognizable;
air like a steam bath;
weight unchanged (although it might have been).

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! Maybe you could have been a good movie director or producer!

Ad astra! Sean