Wednesday 15 January 2020

In Ydwyr's Private Quarters


Ydwyr leads Djana through a curtain to his apartment. In the first room, she sees:

"...emblem of the Vach Urdiolch..." (p. 299)

- this emblem, like the devices of royal houses on ERB's Barsoom, would have to be invented for a visual adaptation -;

an animation of forested hills above an ocean made turbulent by four moons;

shelved books and mementos;

racked weapons;

dark drapes;

resilient floor;

a carved black wooden table;

a stone in a bowl of water (?);

an alcove shrine;


an alcove to a bedchamber described as "monastic." (ibid.)

What is in the shrine? Is there an image of the God? If not, then what?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The emblem of the Vach Urdiolch could be either as elaborate as human coats of arms could be or as simple as a Japanese "mon."

I don't think it was that odd for Ydwyr to favor having a stone in a bowl of water. Not if the bowl was elegantly shaped and the stone curiously shaped. It reminds me of similar things I've read about in Japanese culture.

Catholics believe that since God the Son became Incarnate as man, it is permissible to portray Christ in His humanity, which is why we have either carved or "written" icons of Him. But I don't think Ydwyr's shrine has any images of the God. Most likely an abstract or a book containing the Secret Prayers of the Urdiolch.

Ad astra! Sean