Saturday, 4 January 2020

Is Science Fiction Relevant?

"Day of Burning."

David Falkayn addresses all the decision-makers of Merseia in a teleconference. After apologizing for a recent brief emergency measure, he continues:

"'I hope that you will consider any losses made good, when my people arrive to help you rescue your civilization.
"'Now, then, it is time we put away whatever is past and look to the future. Our duty is to organize that great task. And the problem is, how shall it be organized?'" (p. 268)

There are times when the putting aside of the past is no longer an unrealistic ideal but an urgent necessity. How to organize the task is a problem but the Merseians have at last been brought to the extremity of considering the question.

How soon will this teleconference be held on Earth?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I don't expect any such teleconference of human leaders to happen any time soon on Earth. And certainly not anytime soon! Because there has to be first some plausible chance of some kind of agreement being likely to result from such a conference.

Ad astra! Sean said...

If you are right that it won't happen and others are right that it has to happen, then we are on the threshold of even more interesting times.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Very interesting times! And I'm mot likely to agree with those who say it HAS to happen. Because you first need some BASIS of an agreement being likely.

Ad astra! Sean