Thursday 9 March 2023


Genesis, PART ONE.

I Christian Brannock as a boy on Earth.
II Summary of the history of technology.
III Brannock as a man on Mercury.
IV Summary of early interstellar travel.
V Laurinda Ashcroft in England.
VI 1700 years after Laurinda.
VII Brannock as an upload on an exo-planet.
VIII Serdar and Naia on Earth.
IX Sol through hundreds of millions of years.
Consciousness through the galaxy. Evolving stars.

PART TWO is more complicated.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember not being satisfied with Chapter VII, the idea that only primitive forms of life were found on all other discovered planets. SOME, yes, but ALL of them? I boggled at that!

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

Anderson doesn't have to believe the 'Rare Earth' hypothesis to use it in one of many futures he writes.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim!

Of course I agree! But I would also add that complex lifeforms don't have to arise only on terrestroid planets. I believe it's at least as equally likely to happen on non-terrestroid planets. Such as Suleiman in Anderson's story "Esau."

Ad astra! Sean