Monday 6 March 2023


Poul Anderson, Genesis (New York, February 2001).

The first edition of this novel was published in February 2000. Poul Anderson died in July 2001.

PART ONE, I, pp. 3-7, introduces a central character as a boy. II, pp. 8-10, summarizes technological evolution, culminating with the Internet and with artificial intelligence enhancing artificial intelligence. The boy has become a man and gone into space while the machines evolve.

Thus, Anderson begins a new one-volume future history with the world as it was in 2000: neither the post-World War III recovery of the Psychotechnic History nor the Chaos of the Technic History - or maybe the Chaos is there but the narrative passes it by.

This novel then reaches into a future that will not soon be contradicted by the course of events.


S.M. Stirling said...

It's impressive that Poul could do something as smart and daring as this at the very end of his career.

I can only hope to live up to his example!

S.M. Stirling said...

BTW, the TO TURN THE TIDE series has been bought by the publisher I sent it to, and will be coming out sometime in the next year. The final version turned out to be a bit longer -- about 20K words longer -- and had some revisions to editorial request.

I'll try and get you two copies; you certainly helped.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I absolutely agree! The stories Anderson wrote during the last decade of his lived up to his highest standards! And fully justifies being placed alongside the best of his older works.

I also believe your own books, with one exception, are worthy of Anderson's approval and admiration.

If you meant me as one of those two persons you would give copies of TO TURN THE TIDE, I have to disclaim the honor, because I've done nothing to justify such a gift from you.

But I am more than willing to buy a copy of the revised TO TURN THE TIDE.

Ad astra! Sean