Monday 15 July 2024

Two Details In SATAN'S WORLD

Poul Anderson, Satan's World (New York, 1972).

My copy of The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume II, David Falkayn: Star Trader has fallen apart through over-use so I am now rereading Satan's World as a single volume. See above.

Two points:

"Men can alter a world, or ruin one; but they cannot move it one centimeter off its ordained course. That requires energies of literally cosmic magnitude.
"So you couldn't ease this planet into a suitable orbit around Beta Crucis. It must continue its endless wanderings." (III, p. 30)

What is impossible in some universes is possible in others. James Blish's Earthmen move a planet between galaxies faster than light. (Yet another comparison between future histories.)

Secondly, Chee Lan's companion:

"...knew Espanish, not Anglic." (IV, p. 35)

English has become Anglic. French has become Fransai. Here we learn that Spanish has become Espanish. Is every major language reproduced in Technic civilization? This might be the only mention of Espanish.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Rogue planets plays a major role in some of Anderson's stories: positive in SATAN'S WORLD and negative in ENSIGN FLANDRY, centuries later. I like the idea of "Satan" being used for dangerous industrial processes.

Ad astra! Sean

Jim Baerg said...

And rogue planets first show up in "A Sun Invisible".

S.M. Stirling said...

The number of spoken languages is already shrinking -- one goes extinct every couple of years.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Jim and Mr. Stirling!

Jim: True, I forgot about "A Sun Invisible."

Mr. Stirling: Which makes me think two centuries from now only a few languages wills still exist: English, Spanish, German, Russian, French, Chinese, and Arabic.

Ad astra! Sean