Tuesday 30 July 2024

Intelligence Gathering

Mirkheim, V.

All ambassadors gather intelligence if only in the sense that they report what they have seen and heard. A Baburite knows that the Polesotechnic League is no longer united. How does he know this? Falkayn must report the state of Baburite intelligence about the League back to van Rijn - if he can escape from Babur.

Infrared radiation from the ships orbiting Babur tells Muddlehead that their internal temperatures are suitable for oxygen-breathers, not for hydrogen-breathers. In fact, these are human and Merseian mercenaries but how did the Baburites recruit them? Again, van Rijn must be told. 

Important intelligence is lying right out in the open but the problem is how to get back home with it. However, the trader team is up to this task.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And of course many real world intelligence services are doing exactly that, trying to collect and make sense of information. But a big problem has always been that their political masters, too often blinded by wishful thinking, don't like what they are being told, and persist in making blunders. Which is exactly what "Josip" has been doing with China, Iran, and Russia!

Ad astra! Sean