Friday 12 July 2024

Other Literary Associations

For more about Poul Anderson and Rudyard Kipling, see the combox here.

Other literary associations are more complicated. CS Lewis replied to the secularist sf of HG Wells and Olaf Stapledon whereas Poul Anderson and James Blish wrote Wellsian and Stapledonian sf while respecting Lewisian theological issues.


hinted at time travelling in the concluding sentence of his first Ransom novel, Out Of The Silent Planet;

discussed time travel in the opening passage of his unfinished Ransom novel, "The Dark Tower," and in the Preface to his The Great Divorce.

However, it was Anderson who most fully developed Wellsian time travel.

Alice In Wonderland pervades our culture and impinges on Poul Anderson's works at least in one Dominic Flandry story. While recuperating from a cold, I have reread in full Alice In Sunderland by Bryan Talbot and The Great Divorce by CS Lewis. Like a reward near the end of the Lewis work, comes:

"'And she couldn't make herself smaller? - like Alice, you know.'"
-CS Lewis, The Great Divorce (London, 1946), p. 113.

Yes, we all know.

This and other important works by Lewis are set in England during World War II. Manse Everard of the Time Patrol visits London during the Blitz. All fiction is one.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remembered just now how the opening chapter of ORBIT UNLIMITED includes allusions to ALICE IN WONDERLAND.

All fiction are parts of one multiverse.

Ad astra! Sean