Saturday 13 July 2024

The Time Traveller's Successors

HG Wells' Time Traveller is definitely the literary precursor of:

Poul Anderson's Time Patrolmen who time travel seated on timecycles;

Anderson's Jack Havig who sees events speeding past him as he time travels;

Anderson's Martin Saunders who travels into the far future;

Anderson's Wardens and Rangers who walk or drive along corridors rotated onto the temporal dimension;

James Blish's Service agents who discuss time as a fourth dimension but communicate instead of travelling along it;

Blish's John Martels who is projected into a far future perpetual summer;

the Doctor in the Doctor Who TV series, an eccentric scientist, whose Daleks and Thals somewhat resemble Morlocks and Eloi.

Read or reread The Time Machine.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!


Grave news, there was an assassination attempt on Pres. Trump's life as he was making a campaign speech. Did we escape an assassination as significant as the Sarajevo Crime in 1914?

Ad astra! Sean said...


I didn't forget DANCER. I just didn't see a direct link with the Time Traveller, other than being a time traveller, of course.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Got it. Albeit I thought you would comment on how DANCER uses a kind of flying time machine.

Ad astra! Sean