Tuesday 23 July 2024


Satan's World, XX.

Nicholas van Rijn:

"...spent a few minutes with St. Dismas. If rage overrode prudence among the Shenna, despite the woman's pleas and arguments, he would not be long alive." (p. 206)

Van Rijn knows that the Shenna have a lot of rage but must also have some prudence. He must make an informed gamble. He could take Thea's advice and flee while he can although he does not think that his chances of evading the enemy destroyers would be good. He knows that she should be able to influence her particular Shenn. Weighing up the probabilities, he decides - and prays. Van Rijn's life has been lived on this basis and now things come to a head - although, fortunately, we will see him twice more, in "Lodestar" and Mirkheim.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Good analysis of Old Nick, one I agree with.

Ad astra! Sean