Friday 12 July 2024

Technic History, Volume II

A future history series covers several or even many future generations. A single volume of the series, even one that is an omnibus collection, might remain within a single generation but still cover a historical transition. The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume II, David Falkayn: Star Trader, begins with a solo adventure of Nicholas van Rijn but then:

van Rijn appoints his first trade pioneer crew/trader team;

the crew saves Merseia;

van Rijn continues to run his company from Earth;

van Rijn and the team counteract an external threat to Technic civilization;

corruption grows within the Polesotechnic League;

inequalities within Technic civilization cause conflict between van Rijn and his team.

The writing is on the wall. An era is coming to an end. The shadow of God is across the League. Volume I began long before the Polesotechnic League and Volume III will end long after it. The pace is leisurely but momentous events occur and the series will wind up in a very different place from where it began.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And another transition point can be found in RISE OF THE TERRAN EMPIRE, when a successful slave revolt by Manuel Argos in "The Star Plunderer" led to him founding the Empire.

Ad astra! Sean