Wednesday 3 July 2024

Some Closely Connected Works

While writing recent posts, I have been thinking of certain works of imaginative fiction as closely connected:

Heinlein's Future History
Anderson's linear future histories and multiverse
Blish's linear and branching future histories
Wells' The Time Machine
time travel fiction by Heinlein, Anderson and Blish

Some of these works are obscure but all are worthwhile. Blish's time travel is in Midsummer Century and "The City That Was The World" and I learned while writing the previous post that an unnamed "poet" quoted in "The City That Was The World" was Poul Anderson in one of his future histories.

Today is going to be practical tasks and preparation for travel to London tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I might have included some others:

Pournelle's Co-Dominium series (with contributions by other writers).
Niven's Known Space stories (with additions by other authors).
Cordwainer Smith's Instrumentality of Mankind stories.
Wingrove's CHUNG KUO series.

Ad astra! Sean