Sunday 28 July 2024

Two Culminations

Poul Anderson's Polesotechnic League Tetralogy culminates in Mirkheim which ties together nearly every plot point.

The pre-Flandry section of Anderson's History of Technic Civilization culminates in The Earth Book Of Stormgate which encapsulates the entire Polesotechnic League period and more. Chronologically, the latest event in the pre-Flandry section is Hloch's compilation of the Earth Book even though the last story in that collection is succeeded by three Technic History instalments that are set between Mirkheim and the compilation of the Earth Book.

Current blog thought is that this section could be republished as two boxed sets:

I. The Polesotechnic League
Trader To The Stars (three instalments with a new introduction)
The Trouble Twisters (three instalments with new introductions)
Satan's World (novel)
Mirkheim (novel)

II. Avalon And Empire
The Saturn Game and other stories (three instalments)
The People Of The Wind (novel)
The Earth Book Of Stormgate (twelve instalments, including one novel, with new introductions and an afterword)

"The Saturn Game" is earlier than anything else but, in terms of collections, can only be fitted in where suggested, I think. It does not belong either in Trader To The Stars or in the Earth Book but has to go in somewhere. Of course, it comes first in Baen Books' The Technic Civilization Saga which presents the entire Technic History in chronological order of fictional events but there is something special in the original book publication order. Hloch introduces some stories by explaining why they had not been told until now.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I still wonder if "Margin of Profit" should be part of an expanded TRADER TO THE STARS.

Ad astra! Sean said...

"Margin of Profit" is ok in the EARTH BOOK.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, but "Margin" would seem to be a very natural addition to TRADER.

Ad astra! Sean