Monday 1 July 2024

The Early Technic History

Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization begins by moving forward in time in its first four instalments, then sideways in space in its fifth and sixth instalments.

The only year date in the entire History, 2057, is given in the opening instalment, "The Saturn Game." Dates as given in Sandra Miesel's Chronology of Technic Civilization mark the facts that years and decades elapse in characters' lifetimes and that centuries or millennia elapse between historical periods. Apart from that, there is no basis for specifying any particular year dates. Dominic Flandry is arbitrarily stated to be born in 3000, a round number. Later round numbers in the Chronology are 3600, 3900, 4000 and 7100 for the concluding four instalments.

At the beginning of the History, many important events happen before or between the instalments. First, the Chaos. "The Saturn Game" is set during the recovery from this period of unrest. Reality and fiction begin to diverge. In 2024, we are not recovering from environmental destruction but sinking deeper into it.

Between "The Saturn Game" in the twenty-first century and "Wings of Victory" in the twenty-second, there are:

the hyperdrive
the Breakup
the Solar Commonwealth
the colonization of Hermes

"Wings of Victory" is about the Grand Survey and first contact with Ythri. According to the Chronology, before "The Problem of Pain" in the twenty-fourth century, there are:

the founding of the Polesotechnic League
the colonisations of Aeneas and Altai

In "The Problem of Pain," Ythrians have moved into space. Some have studied on Aeneas and explore Gray/Avalon. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have suggested that the true beginning of the Chaos should be dated from the Sarajevo Assassination in 1914. And I don't expect this time of troubles to end till somebody becomes top dog and imposes some kind of unity on the world, preferably by Western civilization.

Ad astra! Sean