Monday 1 July 2024

From Beginnings To Transitions

Nine instalments are transitional between the great days of the Polesotechnic League and the declining Terran Empire of Dominic Flandry's time:

an external threat to Technic civilization involving a rogue planet obliges van Rijn and the members of his first trade pioneer crew to embark on urgent missions outside the Solar System;

events elsewhere in space demonstrate the degeneration of the League;

inequalities within Technic civilization and Falkayn's secret discovery of Mirkheim trigger what is potentially a massive conflict between van Rijn and Falkayn;

the Baburite seizures of both Mirkheim and Hermes signal the beginning of the end of the League;

Falkayn's grandson grows up on the planet Avalon which continues to be jointly colonised by human beings and Ythrians (two instalments);

Earth is sacked but Manuel Argos leads a slave revolt and founds the Terran Empire;

the growing Empire annexes Ansa but fails to annex Avalon while the Merseian Roidhunate is a distant but growing threat (two instalments).

That, finally, sets the scene for the Terran-Merseian conflict of Flandry's time.

So many single stories combine into one greater story. I think that the pre-Flandry periods are more involved and intricate despite filling one volume less in The Technic Civilization Saga.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It would have been good if one or two stories could have been set in the centuries between THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND and ENSIGN FLANDRY, when the Empire was at its height.

Ad astra! Sean