Monday 2 November 2020

A Maurai Superhero

Orion Shall Rise, CHAPTER TEN, 3.

 Wairoa Haakonu, artificially conceived and a social misfit, looks odd but has hyper-acute senses, is able to hear subvocalizations and can also speed-read while deducing more by logic and intuition. Thus, like the mutants in Poul Anderson's Twilight World, he is a superhero, although not referred to as such. See Comics And Science Fiction. Superheroes grew from prose sf but became a different genre in a different medium, sequential art, and have now moved big time to another medium, cinema.

Because superheroes originated in sf, they can still be found there as in the cases of Wairoa Haakonu, the Twilight World mutants, Jack Havig and Joel Weatherfield.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Well, I never thought of Jack Havig as a superhero, despite his ability to move thru time by a mere act of will.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Of course not but volitional time travel is deffo a superpower.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

That is true, I agree.

Ad astra! Sean