Wednesday 15 April 2020


"What Shall It Profit?"

When the journalist, Radek, imposes himself on Dr. Marcus Lang, Director of the Institute of Human Biology, the latter comments:

"'Pharaoh had it easy... Moses only called the seven plagues down on his head. I have to deal with your sort.'" (p. 81)

Do not rush past, reader. First, stop to notice that here is another Biblical reference in a story with a Biblical title.

A full study of Poul Anderson's works would have to catalogue all his Biblical references.

In Heinlein's Future History, Harriman is Moses because he cannot go into space and Lazarus Long is Moses because he leads his people in their exodus.

Does "Marcus Lang" recall "Lazarus Long"?


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And my note about Anderson's use of the Bible is the article I wrote for this blog which I find the most unsatisfactory of the essays I contributed. Precisely because it is so incomplete. Anderson used or quoted from the Bible so many times in his works that you never know when you will come across a Scriptural allusion. Which is why I called my effort merely a "note."

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Too All Who May Be Interested:

Dr. Shackley sent me an email stating that due to his laptop becoming unworkable he will be unable to either upload new blog pieces or leave comments. I hope he will soon be able to do both!

Sean M. Brooks