Saturday 18 April 2020

Two Textual Errors

I will quote a single passage from two editions of "The Snows of Ganymede."

"'I suppose so,' answered Davenant.
"'I heard in X that there were, several such villages once, but that only one was believed still to survive.'"
-"The Snows of Ganymede," VIII, p. 198.

"'I suppose so,' answered Davenant. 'I heard in X that there were several such villages once, but that only one was believed still to survive.'"
-Poul Anderson, The Snows of Ganymede (New York, 1958), CHAPTER 8, p. 77.

The first quotation displays two errors. First, by placing "'I heard in X...'" on a lower line, the text wrongly suggests that this sentence is spoken not by Davenant but by the other character with whom he is conversing. Secondly, there is an inappropriate comma after "...that there were..."

We want to appreciate a smoothly flowing narrative, not to take arms against a sea of errors.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

More irritating, disappointing errors in the Baen Books edition of THE SNOWS OF GANYMEDE! And serious blunders too.

Sometimes I feel a bit shaky about the proper use of commas! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean said...


People use commas differently but this one is clearly wrong.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I saw that, once I took a closer look at that erroneous comma.

Ad astra! Sean