Wednesday 15 April 2020

Benefits Of Psychotechnics

"The Snows of Ganymede."

Governments rely on experts, therefore on psychotechnicians;

the Institute trains nearly (?) all the psychotechnicians, gives them its values and remains in contact with them;

they pass from advisers to administrators;

only the Institute can formulate global policies;

it does not plan but cannot fail to foresee the growth of its power;

the rationalized global economy recovers;

world government is strengthened;

nationalism withers;

education addresses both individual and social needs;

population declines;

natural resources are conserved;

penology becomes sane;

psychiatry becomes generally available;

thought becomes critical.

So what goes wrong?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

What goes wrong? It's obvious, more and more and more people felt frustrated, useless, powerless, as real power steadily passed into the hands of these "experts." That would INEVITABLY provoke a backlash.

Ad astra! Sean