Wednesday 15 April 2020

On The Inner Planets

"The Snows of Ganymede," III.

Planetary Engineer Hall Davenant reviews what he knows about the inner planets -

Earth, not much, he rarely goes there;

Luna City, "..hectic commerce and gaiety...," (p. 150);

dignity, discipline, order and respect for intellecuality on Mars;

violent, patriarchal clans using cheap mobile reclamation units on Venus.

All of this contrasts with the unknown civilization on Ganymede where the Planetary Engineers have been asked to terrafotm the environment. And there are how many slower than light spaceships leaving the Solar System?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And were any of those STL ships manned by disgruntled malcontents who scraped up the means to obtain a ship? There must have been plenty of people unhappy with things as they were in the Solar System and willing to emigrate to seek a better life elsewhere.

Ad astra! Sean