Wednesday 15 April 2020

Dates In The Psychotechnic History

There are three possible sources of information about dates in Poul Anderson's Psychotechnic History:

Poul Anderson's Chronology published in Startling Stories, Winter 1955, but I do not have it;

Sandra Miesel's Chronology in the Psychotechnic History collections but this is based "in part" on Anderson's Chronology and we do not know to what extent it differs;

dates as given in the stories but these are few.

In 1970, the precise formulation by the Psychotechnic Institute of some basic and immediately usable laws governing the action of groups;

in 2051, the terraforming of Venus by colonists living in underground cities;

in 2126, the launching of the Pioneer on its 123-year journey to Alpha Centauri;

in 2201, a great strike within the Pioneer.

I will post any more if I find them.

Centuries after 1970, the ultimately more important discoveries about individual psychomatics bear fruit.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And of course these dates you culled from the stories might contradict the chronologies of either Anderson or Miesel.

That last sentence makes me wonder if you have the situation seen in either "The Pirate" or THE PEREGRINE in mind.

Ad astra! Sean said...


No, I was just quoting from "The Snows of Ganymede" but will come to the others in due course.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Understood. I have to go for a while.

Ad astra! Sean