Monday 20 April 2020

Cosmos And Life

"The Green Thumb."

The alien, Joe, contrasts two aspects of reality which he identifies with gods.

a machine god;
a mathematician's god;
knowable "Out in the cold great dark of space, between the flaming suns..." (p. 28);
impersonal magnificence;
god "...of flame and vacuum." (ibid.);
meaningless hugeness;
a universe of mostly incandescent gas.

other gods;
the old spirits of a land;
in forests, rivers and winds;
gods of life;
little gods;
concerned with a tree, a flower or a dreaming brain.

Joe thinks that on the last day his gods will speak louder. Which last day? The end of the universe will be a cosmic, not a biological, process. But the last day might mean the end of an individual's life. Then Joe might remain focused on his little gods. My comments are that cosmos generates and sustains life and that aspects of reality are complementary.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I believe the REAL God, YHWH, the Holy Trinity, the God revealed thru Judaism and Christianity, is not only infinitely transcendent and "cosmic," but also cares about the land, forests, rivers, trees, flowers, the dreams of human beings, etc.

Ad astra! Sean