Friday 24 April 2020

Dayspring And Milky Way

The Peregrine, CHAPTER XIV.

I will quote a short passage in full because it has at least five points of interest:

"By the hazy sheen of the Milky Way, river of suns spilling across infinity, he saw Nicki. Remembered words came to him, as if someone else were speaking into that great silence. "Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place?..."
"Joachim stared out at heaven. 'Where are we?' he asked.
"'The constellations don't look any different! No, wait, they do a little. ' Ferenczi was at another port, his body black against the Milky Way." (p. 116)

Points of Interest
(i) A new description of the Milky Way: "...hazy sheen..."
(ii) It is immediately followed by a further description: "...river of suns spilling across infinity..."
(iii) A Biblical passage which we have cited before. See The Peregrine II.
(iv) Scripture sounds like Someone Else speaking. (That's the idea.)
(v) Yet another object seen against the Milky Way.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I like how the Challoner-Reims OT translates Job 38.12: "Didst thou since thy birth command the morning, and show the dawning of the day its place?" I think Bishop Challoner brought out more clearly than did the AV the underlying meaning of the Hebrew text.

Ad astra! Sean