Friday 17 April 2020

Two More Foilures

"The Snows of Ganymede," VI.

You all know me to be a man who reads and rereads Poul Anderson's texts with the care and attention that they deserve. Unfortunately, I must report to you that I have found two more errors in quick session in The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 2. (For a recent error, see One Word.)

"For an instant, Davenant foiled to understand what Garson meant." (p. 185)

"I wanted to see that religious ceremony and assassination, to realize more fully what a brutalized culture this is and how right that it should be taken over and changed.'" (p. 186)

That second sentence should read:

"I wanted you to see..."

The psychotech, Garson, has become a fanatic. To make all men sane eventually, he is "' to some nasty affairs, like the last change of dictators...'" (ibid.) now.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I have a copy of the 1956 Ace Books edition of THE SNOWS OF GANYMEDE, and I looked up this text from Chapter 6. What I found was this: "I wanted [no italics] YOU to see..." And my copy of NESFA Press A BICYCLE BUILT FOR BREW (2014), collecting SNOWS along with other stories, also has "I wanted you to see..." The text here should not italicize "wanted" and should include "you." Plainly, you found more errors in the Baen Books edition.

Ad astra! Sean