Wednesday 22 April 2020

Sean And Joachim

The Peregrine, CHAPTER V.

At the beginning of this chapter, Sean sees fear in Ilaloa's eyes so we are reading his pov but, after Joachim has joined the conversation on the following page, he is relieved when Nicki intervenes so now we are reading Joachim's pov.

The Nomads have some quaint laws. Having been married once makes someone an adult. Landlouper MacTeague Nicki had married Sean's brother but he died on Vixen before they had children. Normally, her father-in-law would have found another husband for her but she refused this. Meanwhile, Sean's Nerthusian wife, unable to adapt to Nomad life, left him. As members of the same ship, Sean and Nicki cannot marry although they share a berth with separate rooms. Now Sean wants to marry a Lorinyan although they will be unable to have children. Instead of saying, "Live and let live," the Nomads make problems out of Sean moving in with Nicki, then wanting an otherling wife. But that is clan life for you.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Because you have to expect small, close knit communities, like these Nomadic ship clans to have strict laws and customs. Not all of them bad or unreasonable.

Ad astra! Sean