Thursday 16 April 2020

Terraforming Projects

"The Snows of Ganymede," IV.

Chemical treatment removed poisons from the atmosphere;

special bacteria released oxygen from compounds;

hydrogen explosions brought water to the surface;

plants were developed to fit the new conditions;

animal cells were grown exogenetically;

deserts are still being reclaimed.

Bacterial processes increased the oxygen;

water was drilled or imported from the rings of Saturn as in an Asimov story;

large ice meteors were deflected to fall on Mars;

carbon dioxide was also needed to heat the atmosphere;

plants, animals and human beings had to be adapted to the cold, arid environment and thin atmosphere.

Luna and Mercury
No terraforming, just efficient airlocks to large underground dwellings.

Uranian moons
Nothing doing:

no energy sources;
no useful minerals;
too far away for power beamed from Mercury.

Ganymede and Callisto
Careful study needed.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We do see Anderson speculating about terraforming the Moon in "Strange Bedfellows," an idea I would love to see become real! And an engineer in charge of the project on Luna was from a terraformed Venus.

Ad astra! Sean