Sunday 19 April 2020

"Go roaming - forever!"


"'Go roaming - forever!'" (p. 269)

"...we embarked on the long voyage, the voyage which has not ceased yet and, I hope, will never end." (p. 270)

"It was early, the grass was still wet, flashing in the new sun. The sea danced and glittered beyond the rustling trees, crying its old song to the fair green land, and the wind that blew from it was keen and cold and pungent with life. The fields were stirring in the wind, a long ripple of grass, and high overhead a bird was singing." (ibid.)

That third quote shows what they leaving. I would want both: interstellar exploration with periodic returns to Harbor but they want to explore forever. There must be at least two kinds of interstellar traveler. Some come home. Others roam forever.

We are reminded of Nicholas van Rijn:

"'You take the Long Trail with me!... A universe where all roads lead to roaming. Life never fails us. We fail it, unless we reach out.'"
-see here.

But that is his projected retirement, not his way of life. In fact, he takes on major responsibilities before that retirement.

I understand that big name musical performers wind up going on a never-ending tour, which sounds similar.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I remember that bit from "Gypsy" you quoted. And how Erling Thorkild was a little afraid to look at his wife, because he knew, deep down, she did not truly want to leave Harbor.

Yes, that "Long Trail" Nicholas van Rijn planned to take would be during his old age and retirement, sometime between age 85 and 90 if I had to guess. After he had finished patching up the Polesotechnic League as much as he could. Given antisenescence, Old Nick could still hope for between 20 and 25 years for really LONG distance exploration.

Ad astra! Sean