Sunday 12 April 2020

Bo Jonsson, The Milky Way And The Great Bear


The computer is on again. Posts might be very short as I try to publish them when I can.

Here is another Andersonian description of the Milky Way:

"He lay on his back, staring up at the stars and the spilling cloudy glory of the Milky Way." (III, p. 30)

Bo is from Sweden where he has seen the Great Bear behind auroras on winter nights and now, as a spaceman, sometimes sees it below him. He wants to build a house above the Sound on Kullen.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I tried to remember if PA ever used "diamond/s" for descriptions of the Milky Way.

Since most of the Kullen Peninsula is owned by a nature trust, I have some doubts Bo Jonsson would be able to have that house built. Unless land ownership had changed by then.

Ad astra and Happy Easter! Sean