Sunday 12 April 2020

Gigantic Against The Milky Way

"Holmgang," IV.

Barely surviving after being shot on the"holmgang" asteroid, Bo either dreams or remembers the sights and sounds above the Sound. Next:

"Then he made out the bulky black-painted edge of it, gigantic against the Milky Way, and it was Lundgard, moving unhurriedly up to kill him." (p. 35)

Our old friend, the Milky Way, is getting good coverage, in fact here appears for the third time, in this story. Also present is Orion, described as "marching past," while also reminding us of Anderson's Orion Shall Rise. Familiar constellations should be all the more discernible in interplanetary space and therefore should be mentioned in this kind of fiction. In addition, I expect that new patterns of stars would be seen and named.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm not sure you are correct. With the OBSCURING effect of Earth's or Mars' atmospheres, hundreds or thousands of more stars can be seen. I think that would make it harder to make out patterns. But mention was made in (I think) A CIRCUS OF HELLS of of how a trained spaceman and Navy officer like Dominic Flandry could quickly make out stellar "landmarks."

Ad astra and Happy Easter! Sean