Saturday 4 January 2020


In Ardaig on Merseia, Chee Lan meets the darker skinned Olgor hu Freylin, Warmaster in the Republic of Lafdigu on the southern continent.

In the Merseian scientific base on Talwin, Dominic Flandry meets the slightly yellow-complexioned xenophysiologist Cnif hu Vanden, an extra-planetary colonial, descended from Lafdiguans, belonging to no Vach, his people retaining their old language and laws as well as peculiar dress and customs.

That is all that we are told of Lafdigu. It remains a rich future historical detail, reflecting the interplanetary and interstellar stages of Merseian history.

Another Merseian not of the Wilwidh culture and speaking a different language is yqan Lannawar Belgis whom Flandry meets while on Merseia. Tachwyr's tailtip jerks at Lannawar's garrulousness.

I started out to post about Lafdigu and, as often happens, found that there was more to be said.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As we see Poul Anderson so often reiterating in these stories, we have to expect worlds with intelligent races to be as varied and complex as Earth itself has ever been. Meaning that the vachs and culture dominant around the Wilwidh Ocean are not the only natures and cultures to be found on Merseia.

I do note a slight inconsistency in the Lafdiguan described in "Day of Burning" and the Cnif hu Vamdem we see om A CIRCUS OF HELLS. The Warmaster Chee Lan met was DARKER skinned than Cnif. Unless we assume ethnic mixing among Merseians in the centuries between these two stories (which is not impossible), I see a slight contradiction here. To remain consistent with "Day of Burning," Cnif should also have been described as darker skinned than the average Wilwidh Merseian.

Ad astra! Sean