Sunday, 7 October 2018

Progress And Change

Poul Anderson, The Stars Are Also Fire, 12.

In Harvest Of Stars, the Lunarians have their own language and distinctive names. The "Mother of the Moon" chapters of The Stars Are Also Fire are an extended prequel to Harvest Of Stars. Chapter 12 informs us that the very first generation of Lunarians in its youth develops a whole new language and adopts distinctive names. In historical terms, this is very quick. However, change is rapid with communications technology.

Dagny says that Fireball is a force for good. What is good? Edmond says that the enlightened super-rich keep scientific and technological progress alive but adds that the vast majority of the global population can find no place "' this high-technology universe...'" (p. 158) So technological progress has ceased to be social progress. How is this good? What should surely be a vast advance for all mankind is presented as if it were a cul-de-sac for most of mankind. A period of dislocation, turmoil, upheaval and adjustment, yes. Nothing for most of mankind, no. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Trouble is, I think you are too optimistic about what will or may happen if we get anything like a post scarcity economy. I do not think most of the human race will care beans about philosophy, meditation, mysticism, literary criticism, or even chess playing in such a set up! No, I expect many, many, many people will be bored, frustrated, overcome by ennui, etc. And I think too many will seek increasingly counterproductive ways of relieving frustration and despair. Either that or sink into becoming pampered pets of the AIs and have increasingly fewer and fewer children. Which is what we see in GENESIS!

So, I have far more sympathy for Anson Guthrie and his downloads and Fireball than I do for their opponents. Guthrie's basic policy was to create or open OPTIONS for the human race. Which included the settling of other worlds, even if that had to be done by STL means. Real options off Earth would open new frontiers and possibilities for the human race.
