Friday, 5 October 2018

In San Francisco

Fell Street
Steiner Street (see Alamo Square)
Alamo Square
Columbus Avenue

These places still exist in the San Francisco Integrate of Poul Anderson's The Stars Are Also Fire, 11.

The Albergo Vecchio hotel is on Fell Street where there are also empty houses and other small businesses. There is a quivira opposite Alamo Square.

The Columbus Avenue district is inhabited mainly by machines with their characteristic buildings and energies. There are also some cheap lodgings for human beings. The machines include:

a "...huge, torpedo-shaped transport..." (p. 143);
small blue metal flyers with wings, optics and trailing arms;
a three-meter tall "...fractally dendritic manipulator..." (ibid.);
a wheeled globe with many tentacles.

It is not obvious which are automata, which are conscious and which are remotely controlled - by conscious AIs.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Your mentioning of " lodgings for human beings" reminded me of this flophouse we see in Chapter IV of THE REBEL WORLDS: "Rovian had found a rooming house whose clientele were mostly non-humans: unchoosy ones. He shared his kennel with a betentacled hulk from an unpronounceable planet."
