Monday 31 January 2022

What The Previous Post Left Out

See The Best Future History Collection.

No post is ever comprehensive enough to do full justice to its subject matter. In the Earth Book, as discussed in the previous post (see the above link), the four Ythrian short stories and the new introductions between them cover:

the exploration of the planet Ythri and a discovery about Ythrian physiology;

the exploration of the planet Gray/Avalon, the nature of the Ythrian New Faith with some information about the Old Faith and a first mention of the planet Aeneas;

human and Ythrian colonization of the Hesperian Islands on Avalon;

joint colonization of the Coronan continent on Avalon;

the aftermath of the Terran War on Avalon that is described in The People Of The Wind.

In that novel, Ekrem Saracoglu, Imperial Governor of Sector Pacis, summarizes the relevant history:

500 years ago, the same Grand Survey ship discovered Ythri and Gray;

Gray, not renamed Avalon until much later, was colonizeable, but too far from Terra;

Ythri, forty light-years further away, began to trade with Technic civilization;

350 years ago, 50 years before the collapse of the Polesotechnic League, a human company led by an old trade pioneer proposed colonization of Avalon under Ythrian protection;

Ythrians agreed and some joined the colony;

the Troubles led to the formation of the Terran Empire and the Domain of Ythri;

the Avalonians, as they now were, became united in adversity.

Although Saracoglu does not know it yet, the Avalonians are determined to remain in the Domain despite his attempt to "rectify" the border.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The more I think about it, I think it would have been more accurate for Saracoglu to have said the First Grand Survey discovered Ythri six hundred, not 500 years before the events recorded in THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND.

Ad astra! Sean