Saturday 15 January 2022

Discussing Issues

When discussing Poul Anderson's works, we also discuss society and religion because his works address such issues so we might as well say what we think about the issues - within reason. Years ago, I spoke to a Pagan Moot about Zen meditation and might be asked to do so again so I have begun to draft a new version of a talk. Since Part I of the talk is on another blog, it is an easy matter to link to it here. The image on that post shows our Lancaster Serene Reflection Group. (Experience tells me that not many blog readers do follow links between blogs but that is up to them.)

Remember when reading about Adzel practicing Mahayana Buddhism, that real life Buddhism underlies all fictional representations of it. Also, Poul Anderson imagines plausible alien religions like the Ythrian New Faith.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I do sometimes follow your links to your other blogs, occasionally commenting there.

Truth to say, when rigorously examined, I've found the Ythrian New Faith thin and shallow. It strikes me as being emptily Deistic, at most. Even the pagan and primitive Old Faith struck me as having more depth, since it did acknowledge belief in an afterlife.

Ad astra! Sean