Monday 31 January 2022

Hloch's Audience

In "The Problem of Pain," an unnamed human first person narrator converses with Peter Berg who tries to understand Ythrians. In his Earth Book Introduction to "The Problem of Pain," the Ythrian Hloch tries to understand human beings:

"The value of [the story] lies in the human look on us, a look which tried to reach down into the spirit and thereby, maychance, now opens for us a glimpse into theirs.
"Hloch of the Stormgate Choth
"The Earth Book Of Stormgate"
Thus, Hloch adds a new layer of reflection that was not present in the originally published story.
Hloch is an Avalonian, is a member of a choth that has more human members than most and edits a book that might be read by any Avalonian. Despite all this, he seems specifically to address his fellow Ythrians in his own choth. However, we can vouch that the Earth Book is of interest to human readers.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course any being who was interested could read THE EARTH BOOK OF STORMGATE, but Hloch edited it with an eye to focusing on Ythrian readers.

Ad astra! Sean