Friday 21 January 2022

Reminiscences And Revisions

How does this sound? Someone films the David Falkayn stories in The Trouble Twisters. Extrapolating from phrases like "...his father's castle on Hermes...," the film-makers dramatize Falkayn's reminiscences about his early life before he left Hermes. Later, Mirkheim is filmed. The Mirkheim version of Hermes clashes visually with the earlier The Trouble Twisters version. What should we make of this?

Some film-viewers would either not notice or not care. I like the idea of films accurately reflecting texts even if this causes contradictions. We know that memories are not photographs. Maybe Falkayn's reminiscences partly express his childhood imaginings of living in a baronial castle? It is logically possible that the past was not how we remember it provided that our memories have changed accordingly. (The actor playing a character in a TV series changes but the other characters do not notice because their memories and any photographs or other records have changed as well. Only we, looking into that universe from entirely outside it, notice the difference.) There are quantum fluctuations in space-time-energy in the Time Patrol timeline. I do not suggest exporting such fluctuations into the Technic History. But, on the other hand, quantum fluctuations and causality violations might be somewhere in our minds when we contemplate apparent contradictions in other series.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Meaning there was a contradiction between David remembering his father's CASTLE in "The Trouble Twisters" and the MANOR house we see in MIRKHEIM? The former suggests a much larger and more military oriented structure than the latter.

Some might try to rationalize this by arguing that here we see Falkayn simply using words and terms more loosely than was strictly correct.

Ad astra! Sean said...


There are different ways to save the appearances. Some of the ways can be creative.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree.
