Wednesday 19 January 2022

Van Rijn Cameo And Narrative Lengths

"The Trouble Twisters," II

It is when Stepha asks Falkayn why the crew has come to Ikrananka that Falkayn flashes back to his interview with van Rijn. This is van Rijn's single appearance in this story and he is entirely absent from the following installment, the second trader team story, "Day of Burning."

The van Rijn cameo fills just under two pages in The Trouble Twisters but well over two in David Falkayn: Star Trader. The latter volume is the only one that informs us in brackets on its title page which literary forms it collects. There are five novellas, one novel and one short story. Thus, "The Trouble Twisters" counts as a novella, not as a novel. Satan's World is much longer and "A Little Knowledge" much shorter than any of the others. 

The shortest The Technic Civilization Saga volume, in terms of number of collected items, is Volume VI, Sir Dominic Flandry The Last Knight Of Terra, which presents just four works. Of these, A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows is clearly a novel, "The Warriors from Nowhere" is clearly a short story and the remaining two, "The Plague of Masters" and "Hunters of the Sky Cave," are either novellas or short novels. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Since both THE PLAGUE OF MASTERS and HUNTERS OF THE SKY CAVE are over 120 pages in my Chilton Books and Gregg Press copies of AGENT OF THE TERRAN EMPIRE and FLANDRY OF TERRA, I consider them to be at least short novels, not simply novellas.

Ad astra! Sean