Friday 21 January 2022

What Is Out There

An sf work can be set entirely on the surface of another planet and yet also present wider information about its fictional universe; Poul Anderson's The Day Of Their Return on the planet, Aeneas; Anderson's "The Trouble Twisters" on the planet, Ikrananka.

In "The Trouble Twisters":

the Pirate Suns;

Nicholas van Rijn in Djakarta and Ito Yamatsu in Tokyo Integrate back on Earth;

the Falkayn castle on Hermes;

Adzel and Chee Lan reminiscing about their home planets;

the expanding Polesotechnic League;

the question of how many Earth-like planets there are;

religions on other planets contrasted with Ikranankan demonism;

probably more. 

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