Tuesday 25 January 2022

Historical Sources

Accessible sources of information about the History of Technic Civilization:

the narratives of the forty-three installments of the Technic History;

the diverse introductions to some of these installments;

short expository passages within some installments;

some information given in Poul Anderson's article, "Concerning Future Histories," in the SFWA Bulletin, Fall 1979;

Sandra Miesel's Chronology of Technic Civilization, since Miesel consulted Anderson about her time chart;

anything else?

I do not list Poul Anderson's unpublished notebooks because these are, in the nature of the case, inaccessible to us.

I will maybe troll through introductions, expositions etc for any fresh details or insights.   


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think you could have mentioned as well how we see Commissioner Desai reading an actual official from Terra in THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, which was a response to queries he sent there. Much of the text of that document was quoted, which should therefore also be counted as one of the historical sources to be found in the Technic stories.

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dang! I meant to write in the first sentence above: "...we see Commissioner Desai reading an actual official DOCUMENT from Terra..."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I forgot to add that I hope Anderson's notebooks were preserved after his death.

Ad astra! Sean