Saturday 22 January 2022

Missions To Ikrananka

"The Trouble Twisters," IX.

Ikranankans living at the edge of the Twilight Zone do not experience a permanently hostile and steadily deteriorating environment. Consequently, they do not distrust strangers, do not defensively insist that professions remain within phratries and do not accept an unremitting demonism. Instead, they experience alternations of day and dusk and snow and spring. Consequently, they personify natural forces as benevolent deities, including Zuriat the Bright who, although he is periodically slain by the single evil mythological figure, is annually reborn while the other gods restrain the evil one.

Buddhist missionaries to Ikranankan demonists can preach, "Yes, life is suffering but the Buddha taught the way to the end of suffering."

Christian missionaries to Twilight Zoners can preach, "Zuriat is Christ."


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

More exactly, Twilight Zoners were not as PARANOID as their Katandaran neighbors. If they had any sense, as we know they did, they did regard strangers with a certain wariness, till bona fides were established.

Actually, Christian missionaries to both the Katandaran Empire and the Twilight Zoners are more likely to say "We believe Christ to be Lord, Messiah, and Savior. And that, instead of being a remote, distant mythological figure, He literally existed and lived on Terra."

But I agree Buddhist missionaries could help wean the Katandarans from their fear of demons and paranoid distrust of strangers.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Of course Christian missionaries would say more than I suggested! But they would take the local idea of a dying and rising god as their starting point and move on from there.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Christians would say Our Lord only needed to be Incarnated as man once, and that His atoning sacrifice on the cross was infinitely sufficient, and hence there was no need to periodically die and rise again, over and over.

Ad astra! Sean