Monday 17 January 2022

Conversation In Oronesia

The People Of The Wind, XIV.

"Draun...sat back on tail and alatans..." (p. 593)

Did we know that Ythrians, like Merseians, can sit on their tails?

"'I'd sooner lose the war than kill a planet, any planet,' Tabitha said. 'As many times sooner as it has living creatures. And I'd sooner lose this planet than see it killed.'" (p. 596)

Well, someone in the Technic History can talk sense. Of course she can. Poul Anderson shows us every point of view during a major conflict, particularly in Mirkheim. In The People Of The Wind, Draun would destroy Terra or even fight on while Avalon is destroyed.

When asked to trick Rochefort into conveying misleading intelligence back to the Terrans, Tabitha replies:

"'God stoop on me if ever I make use of him...'" (p. 600)

Although she has said that members of her choth, Highsky, mainly keep to the Old Faith, here she uses the monotheist language of the New Faith. But people on Earth use phrases like "God forbid" that have become part of the language.

Health check: still laid up; might not post a lot today.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Maybe Ythrians use tails and alatans for short periods as a kind of stool. But I think I recall mention of them using a kind of perch or frame for longer periods of sitting or sleeping.

The other issues you raised reminded me of "Wildcat", in which one character wondered if even the humiliation of his country surrendering to its enemy was at least preferable to wiping out the human race.

Ad astra! Sean said...


Yes. Ythrians usually perch.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought so! And I hope you are feeling better.

Ad astra! Sean