Wednesday 19 January 2022

A Comprehensive Collection

The Earth Book Of Stormgate tells us how human beings interacted with Ythrians on Ythri and Avalon and in space, what Adzel did on Earth, what Nicholas van Rijn did to Borthu and on Diomedes, what David Falkayn did on Merseia and at Mirkheim, what Emil Dalmady did to the Baburites, what Juan Hernandez did on Ivanhoe and what was meanwhile going wrong in the Polesotechnic League, is written by, among others, Emil Dalmady's daughter and Christopher Holm and is edited by Hoch of Stormgate Choth on Avalon shortly after the Terran War. Thus, although the Earth Book is not the complete Technic History, it is unexpectedly comprehensive. Three pre-Earth Book stories recount what Falkayn did on Ivanhoe, in space and on Ikrananka. We will shortly focus on Ikrananka.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It would have been very interesting if Anderson had prefaced his stories with apt quotes from a futuristic edition of the ENCYLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA as Stirling did with his two Lords of Creation books as Asimov did with extracts from the fictional ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA in his FOUNDATION books.

Ad astra! Sean