Monday 31 January 2022

The Best Future History Collection

The Earth Book Of Stormgate:

collects 12 of the 43 installments of Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization;

adds 12 introductions and 1 afterword ingeniously derived from the background details of the Ythrian novel, The People Of The Wind;

overlaps by 7 installments with the 11 collected in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, The Van Rijn Method;

both begins and ends with two Ythrian short stories;

completes the Polesotechnic League series in the intervening eight installments;

mentions Ythri in the third installment and places Nicholas van Rijn in an Ythrian spaceship in the tenth installment;

includes both the first short story and the first novel about Nicholas van Rijn;

introduces Adzel;

discloses important information about David Falkayn's dealings with both Merseia and Mirkheim;

even follows up on Ivanhoe, the first planet where we saw Falkayn in action.

I have said it all before but I can never get enough of the Earth Book. No other future history series that I know of has anything like it.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And what happened on Ivanhoe in later centuries? The only times we see that planet was in "The Three-Cornered Wheel" and "The Season of Forgiveness."

Ad astra! Sean said...


Ivanhoans join Supermetals.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I did think of that. But I was thinking more of Ivanhoe itself. What was it like by Dominic Flandry's time? We don't know.

Ad astra! Sean