Tuesday 18 January 2022

Skies Gone Strange

Following a single narrative thread through The Earth Book Of Stormgate and The People Of The Wind:

"Then came the Terran War, and when it had passed by, ruined landscapes lay underneath skies gone strange. We are still raising our lives anew from the wreckage left by that hurricane."
-Poul Anderson, INTRODUCTION WINGS OF VICTORY IN Anderson, The Van Rijn Method (Riverdale, NY, 2009), pp. 75-77 AT p. 76.
Can technological warfare change even the appearance of the sky?
"[Admiral Cajal] did decide it was necessary to neutralize the moon, and for a while Morgana was surrounded and struck by such furies that mountains crumbled and valleys ran molten."
-The People Of The Wind, XV11, p. 626.
"Morgana rose, full, murky-spotted and less bright than formerly. So much had it been scarred."
-ibid., XIX, p. 660.
Darkening the moon certainly counts as changing the appearance of the sky. A remark made by Hloch early in The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume I, is fully explained at the end of Volume III.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, the destruction of the Avalonian military facillities on Morgana, given the effort needed to do that, would count for changing the appearance of the night skies on Avalon.

Avalon was far more prepared for war than almost any other planet within the Domain, and hence needed a correspondingly greater effort to conquer.

Ad astra! Sean