Saturday 29 January 2022

Fantasy And Reality II

"The Saturn Game."

Whatever the three game players discover on Iapetus is interpreted in terms of their shared fantasy.

A large crater is:

"'...the Elf King's Dance Hall, which the Lord of the Dance built for him -'" (III, p. 33)

A glacier caused by a cometary impact is:

"'...the City of Ice, made with starstones out of that which a god called down from heaven...'" (II, p. 22)

A cliff too steep to climb is "...the fortress wall." (III, p. 33)

A gouge plowed by a meteorite was caused:

" the war between the gods and the magicians, when stones chanted down from the sky wrought havoc so accursed that none dared afterward rebuild." (ibid.)

Scobie remembers nothing of scientific significance since starting to climb the glacier which now shudders, cracks and dumps the explorers into the crater - the Elf King's Dance Hall - under an avalanche.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And contrary to Minamoto's argument, this succumbing to the temptation to fall into their role playing personas was folly on these explorers parts.

Ad astra! Sean