Friday 15 May 2020



Where We Were-
Parallel Reading
"Operation Afreet"

Other Authors

"There Shall Be No Darkness" by James Blish is a scientifically rationalized werewolf story, well written but badly filmed;

in Bill Willingham's Fables graphic novels, Bigby (Big Bad) Wolf is a werewolf;

Mike Carey's Lucifer features a were-tiger.

Poul Anderson

In Operation Chaos, Steve Matucheck is a werewolf. Before the War, he was a Hollywood actor, playing in Call of the Wild and Silver Chief. 

"I weigh a hundred and eighty pounds, and the conservation of mass holds good like any other law of nature, so I was a pretty big wolf." (III, p. 19)

Matuchek fights a were-tiger:

"Tiger Boy stood close. In man-shape he was almost seven feet tall and monstrously fat." (V, p. 28)

"Tiger Boy" is:

"...paying the price of being a really big werebeast..." (p. 30)

By contrast, "...a fennec, the small fox of the African desert..." (ibid.)

is, in human form:

"...naturally, a dwarf barely one foot high." (ibid.)

"Poul Anderson immerses you in the future... Anderson puts you into a whole new world."
-Larry Niven, back cover blurb on Poul Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2011).

Anderson immerses us not only in his Technic History but also in an Earth with werebeasts.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And last night I decided to start rereading OPERATION CHAOS! I noticed such details as how, in Chapter I a captured bimbashi was persuaded to spill what information he knew by having his food magically turned to pork every time he tried to swallow some "halal" meat. And in the third Chapter I noticed this comment by Steven: "My scientific friends tell me that the Art involves regarding the universe as a set of Cantorian infinities. Within any given class, the part is equal to the whole and so on." And I had never hitherto thought to wonder what were "Cantorian infinities." I will be googling that soon!

Ad astra! Sean said...


Good. I can't quote every detail so it's good if you spot some.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I try to pay more attention to such easily overlooked but telling details because of your influence! (Smiles)

Ad astra! Sean