Tuesday 19 May 2020

Helfioth Etc

Operation Chaos, XXV.

More Johannine incantations:

"Helfioth Alaritha arbar Neniotho Melitho Tarasunt
"Chanados Umia Theirura Marada Seliso..." (p. 182)

- to be found, again, in the Apochrypha, see here. From now on, I will assume that this is the source and will not google each new set of esoteric words.

What are the purposes of spiritual practices, prayers, mantras and incantations?

(i) To deepen the awareness and understanding of the practitioner.

(ii) To communicate with supposed supernatural beings.

(iii) To gain control of natural or supernatural forces.


(i) This is why we meditate. It is sufficient whether or not (ii) and (iii) are valid.

(ii) Some people claim contact with God, gods etc. In the goetic timeline, such contact has been established scientifically.

(iii) Same remarks as for (ii).

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And any convinced Catholic would deny it was RIGHT to use spiritual practices and prayers "To gain control of natural and supernatural forces."

Ad astra! Sean