Thursday 14 May 2020

Fantastic And Relevant

Operation Chaos.

The Saracen Caliphate, already recklessly exploiting the Powers, will break Solomon's seal in order to utilize an afreet when invading the US.

"...- that was one reason why the rest of the Moslem world regarded them as heretics and hated them as much as we did -..." (I, p. 8)

Thus, conflict with some but not all Muslims.

"...all fiction, even the lightest fantasy, grows out of this real world where we live." (Introduction, facing p. 1)

Anderson states a principle of fiction, then immediately demonstrates it.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The heretical Caliphate of OPERATION CHAOS, hated by many non-Caliphate Muslims, reminded me of the real world, here and now hatred many Sunni and Shia Muslims have for each other. Or for smaller Muslim sects like the Alawites. So the situation seen in OPERATION was realistic.

Ad astra! Sean